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Friday, December 23, 2022

Emotional Insights

The sense of completeness of emotions always emanate from within. However, the stimuli that enables it could be external or internal.
Humbly accept & respect the love and devotion that others pour on us because it’s invaluable and should be embraced modestly without much attachment or sense of possession.
As and when emotions reach its climax, the sense of ultimate reality would dawn before us, unshackling ours narrow outlook and belief towards life. We would begin to realise the thread that binds us all. Only then we will know what true love is!
Life is a limited opportunity and we should nurture relationships with utmost care and bonding.

Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Life as I witness it!

Life is the transient phase of consciousness (soul) evolution. Problem arises when one fixates oneself on “circumstances” that are bound to change one way or the other. Nothing in this universe can give you permanent happiness or permanent sorrows, it’s just when one learn to live with change, the path to ultimate realisation of the purpose that inspire us subconsciously emanates from within with its full grandeur. The unclear mind if remain open to diverse scenarios, one day will attain serenity of purity.

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Rekindled India

These are not ordinary times, one may easily sense the tremors recent incidents have caused around the globe be it genocide in middle e...