Insightful silence within is necessary state to encapsulate comprehensive essence of entirety of multifarious and multifaceted situations and circumstances.
It is often debated that all that human senses could perceive of by any means is the only way to attain awareness of oneself and ours’ surroundings. However, time and again we as a civilization came across numerous crossroads when serious aspersions were cast on the veracity of human judgements.
Climate change, rising insensitive unethical sense of living, narrowness in outlook, overdependence on materialism and so on. These highlights the fact of rising insatiation among individuals and hence communities.
The rising sense of delusion and inability to conceive of clarity, piety and stability of thoughts and emotions often leads to reckless actions engendering further inner clamour and discontent.
We as a civilization are going through one of similar crossroads in present scenario, be it pandemic, wrath of climate change or cumulative conflicts across globe lingering fear of third world war. It is this time we have to seriously wrestle with ours judgements and devise unconventional ways to contemplate future of humanity on the Earth.