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Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Life as I witness it!

Life is the transient phase of consciousness (soul) evolution. Problem arises when one fixates oneself on “circumstances” that are bound to change one way or the other. Nothing in this universe can give you permanent happiness or permanent sorrows, it’s just when one learn to live with change, the path to ultimate realisation of the purpose that inspire us subconsciously emanates from within with its full grandeur. The unclear mind if remain open to diverse scenarios, one day will attain serenity of purity.

Thursday, October 13, 2022

Insightful exploration!!

Anything deeprooted be it plants, knowledge, emotions, intent, etc provides sound foundations to outer morphological & sociological manifestations and hence incipient to healthy and resilience life and relations.
So endeavour for deep insight is ingredient to worth of time.

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Rethinking is ingredient to reshaping better tomorrow!

Insightful silence within is necessary state to encapsulate comprehensive essence of entirety of multifarious and multifaceted situations and circumstances.

It is often debated that all that human senses could perceive of by any means is the only way to attain awareness of oneself and ours’ surroundings. However, time and again we as a civilization came across numerous crossroads when serious aspersions were cast on the veracity of human judgements.

Climate change, rising insensitive unethical sense of living, narrowness in outlook, overdependence on materialism and so on. These highlights the fact of rising insatiation among individuals and hence communities.

The rising sense of delusion and inability to conceive of clarity, piety and stability of thoughts and emotions often leads to reckless actions engendering further inner clamour and discontent.

We as a civilization are going through one of similar crossroads in present scenario, be it pandemic, wrath of climate change or cumulative conflicts across globe lingering fear of third world war. It is this time we have to seriously wrestle with ours judgements and devise unconventional ways to contemplate future of humanity on the Earth.

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

The Impending Crisis

Climate change is beginning to explicitly express itself and in coming times it's brute force, region of influence and associated vulnerabilities will go on increasing. Indian monsoon is witnessing changes in its propagation path, amount of diurnal, spatial & temporal precipitation resulting in unpredictability in agriculture and hence affecting food resilience and overall inflation.

It's time we materialize life style for environment because it's beginning to become too late to effectively act.

Monday, August 15, 2022

Independence day 2022

Disinformation and misinformation are becoming serious weapons in modern digital age. No amount of awareness can counter it completely and comprehensively and it's momentary reactions have humongous repurcussions.
Critical for national and social security it needs to be dealt with dialogue, patience and resilience else it would have detrimental consequences.
Happy safe and aware 76th Independence day 🇮🇳

Thursday, May 19, 2022

Ambiguous Silence

Silence is the ultimate goal of every journey. Every thing that seems indispensable today will appear temporary tomorrow be it emotions, relations or varied human interactions. Key is to witness them without being bounded by them. Emotional, intellectual & spiritual investments in society including families should be driven by requirements not by devotion,respect, admiration or dedication because being present without being involved is the way to attain peace, stability and freedom.

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Witnessing my inner insights

Life can be mean, demanding as well as invigorating and inspiring. When I witness it retrospectively it seems that it is full of choices that we got and manifestation of choices that we made or are making. Isn't it's weird and adventurous; we are what we consciously or sub consciously ought to be. We are successful in living ours' choices regardless of how we perceive it in reality of ours conscious plane.

We homo sapiens enjoy giving meaning to everything-everytime-everywhere, no matter how much self appealing or tempting or rational idea of living like this appears to be ; it cannot embibe essence of life in its entirety. Many a times there exists inexplicable feelings or mystical emotions that can't be categorised using intellect. And more often than not they possess enough strength to capture one's full attention resulting in enticing awe and bewilderment.

We yearn for clarity but land up in confusions; we crave for stability but more often face the uncertainty. Yes this is life driven by possibilities and beyond categorical ideas of success and failures. Life is complete in itself it's our weakness of perception that makes us feel fragmented and unsatiated leading to unsustainable,unquechable and unending desires and deviations.

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Rekindled India

These are not ordinary times, one may easily sense the tremors recent incidents have caused around the globe be it genocide in middle e...